I also said I would post some pictures from our Thanksgiving weekend in Havelock so here they are!

For some reason the dog comes up sideways and I can't fix it lol...those are the "Turkey" cupcakes I made with the kids while we were away. There would have been more of them but the oven in our cottage didn't have any numbers on the dial and I had to guess what the temperature was!! The first batch was burnt!
Off to Stitch!
I used to cross stitch like crazy years ago. I used to make (and have professionally framed) at least one every Christmas for my mother. She has a wall of them in her dining room and I came across 3 during my recent move. I should find a place for them.
I also found a cross stitch website recently with some very twisted off-color themes. It was so funny that I was tempted to order one (OK, maybe 2)!
Subversive Cross Stitch Jane? I am making them for at least two people this Christmas!!! I love it!! :D
can't wait to see your pictures of what you are making. :)
and I LOVED the pictures from your thanksgiving. wow. some of those you should blow up and frame. how beautiful. you did an awesome job. it looks like everyone had a great time too. :)
have a great day!!
those candy corn cupcakes (i think that is what they are) are frickin awesome! you just inspired me.
omg- I am LOVING these pics!
Yay for you on those turkey cupcakes...so cute!
And I absolutely LOVE the pic of the four of you, it's priceless!
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