Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Well the fundraiser is less than two weeks away.  Lyric and Sarah just checked back into the hospital yesterday to start preparing for the bone marrow transplant.  You can read about their journey here.

I've had a lot of people donating things and baking's really great to see everyone come together and help out for people they don't even know.  Some of them even I don't know!!!

So, I'm hoping to have a successful afternoon on Saturday February 5th.  It's being held at Central United Church, 12 Young St., Welland from 1pm until 4pm.

Again, if you can't make it but want to donate, Sarah's information is in my post below.

If you can't make it AND can't donate, take a few minutes and send your thoughts or prayers or healing vibes or whatever you have to Lyric.  He's in for a tough tough fight in the coming months.


Monday, January 3, 2011

It was a good Christmas!!

Hello there!  Happy New Year!!!

I hope everyone had a good Christmas!  We certainly did.  I love getting together with the family and eating and talking and laughing and loving.  It was so warm and wonderful!!!!

Not much is new around here, just getting things in order for this fundraiser I'm trying to pull off.  I hope it's a success because my friend could REALLY use the help!!

I have lots of baking to do in the next several weeks, I hope I can get it all done!  I have some volunteers to help with the baking part as long as I can make the cookie dough so that should help me!

I've also recently become an epicure consultant to help supplement the little income I bring in and I have my first show on the 14th.  I'm really looking forward to it!  I used to be a PartyLite consultant and I really enjoyed it...I think this will be even more successful because of the type of product it is (spices, dips, mixes and kitchenware).

Anyway, I hope everyone had good holidays!