Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Brad Paisley

Is one of the biggest *insert horrible name here*'s in the whole world.

I read this blog all the's friggin fantastic!

Long story short though, Brad Paisley and his wife bought some land in some place beside nashville that had a rental property on it that just so happened to house a non-profit organization for kids who get the shit end of the stick most of the time. It had a petting zoo and climbing walls and so on. When he bought it he said the renters could stay...then not long after his MANAGER came out and gave them a very short period of time to get out...and find a place for all those animals and all the equipment that had accumulated for this awesome organization...

So, I just thought I should keep this story going...spread the word about Mr. Paisley and his "greatness" *scoff*.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Busy, busy, busy...

Well, we finally moved into our new apartment last Thursday...I LOVE it. It's awesome here...big windows, lots of light, lots of room and more than one floor! I'm so happy, we've been starting to get the baby's room ready too so it's starting to become a little more real! I can't believe we only have 54 more days to go til my due date!!

We also had a 3D ultrasound 2 weeks ago...we are definitely having a girl! Here are some pictures:

We have a top three names list right now and they are:

Marryn Grace Kathryn

Eve Kathryn Grace


Layla Grace Kathryn

Though anything could change between now and July 1st (or before if she comes early at all).

Anyway, as we get things ready I'll be taking pics and posting them here so stay tuned for nursery photo's...and probably new apartment photos too! Hope everyone is well :)